Friday, June 22, 2012

Day Seven -- Wait, I've Got This One...

It's always nice when things start clicking in with the dogs. Scout still jumps on occasion but stops when interrupted. Today I turned my back on her when she jumped on me and she quickly corrected herself without a cue. Good girl! She typically does a sit with one paw in the air. If we were being picky, we would only accept all her paws on the ground.

We can tidy that up later on by only rewarding her when her paws are on the ground (so setting our criteria higher). But right now, I'm willing to accept a sit with her paw in the air as long as those paws are not on me.

After all, she's able to hold it even when someone is trying to distract her (thank you, Brutus).

For Scout's leash reactivity, we're working on skills to help get us out of situations where she may get worked up. Her attention is coming along very nice as are her u-turns. Both very important skills to have when you need to get out of a situation where she is too aroused.

We're working on her rough play as well. In this photo she ambushed Jessie.

Immediately Jessie shows signs that she is not comfortable with her verbal complaints and her ears pinned back.

Just prior to the ambush she had been happily meandering on the deck with the other dogs. Not that her head is held higher and, if Rosario's tail wasn't in the way, you could see that her ears were laying down. Her tail was happily wagging at this point too.

In between training sessions and playtime, Jessie spends some time in my spare room. I let her eat her meals in here too so she can eat in peace.

Because after an ambush by Scout, Jessie actively avoids her and tries to go into the quiet room.

Jessie works on her doorbell and knocking issues and practices her recall and enjoys doing those things. I did, however, discover today that certain people will get her excited enough to jump. She hadn't had any problems with jumping on guests or me since she got her but one guest that came today she really struggled with. Oh Jessie, we're going to have to work on that before you go home...

And here we thought you were just perfect.

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